Customer Experience Stories
Client Stories, Partner Solutions & More
From the first phone call to service delivery and resolution, we go the extra mile to make sure our customers have a great experience working with us. Check out a specific story that grabs your interest or scroll down and read through all the customer experience stories.
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Solutions & Results
Cleaning Dirty Data Saved Our Client Money
The Situation:
A potential client came to us for a quote, but they had loads of duplicate serial numbers in the data they gave us. We knew dirty data like that would affect their end price and potentially cost them a ton of money.
What We Did:
We spent hours cleaning up those duplicate serial numbers to make sure they weren’t going to be charged multiple times for the same device.
The End Result:
By putting in the work on the front end, we were able to help the client avoid being overcharged and save them money.
Solution First Mentality
The Situation:
While putting together a quote for a client, we noticed a failed drive in the device. We brought it to their attention and they tried to replace it themselves without success.
What We did:
We came up with a plan that would resolve their current problem right away regardless of whether they ended up signing a contract with us. We shipped the part and the problem was resolved. We essentially gave them a test run on our services so they could see what it’s like to work with us.
The End Result:
We are pretty proud of the fact that whoever works with us is keen to do business with us again.
Late Night T&M Turns Into A Great Customer Experience
The Situation:
A customer had an issue with their IBM hardware. It was late at night and they were in a bind. They didn’t have a contract with us but called us to see if we could help.
The Solution:
We put together a call with our engineer that night and were able to find the issue. The next day we shipped out parts and were able to resolve the problem very quickly.
The End Result:
The person we had been working with was eager to work with us and though he didn’t have the authority to sign up for contract with us, he advocated pretty hard to work with us. When the same scenario happened again, more than a year later, he knew he could call on us for T&M support and we again helped him out of a tight spot.
Doing The Right Thing
Every Customer Matters—Even If There Is No Contract
The Situation:
It’s inevitable in our line of work that we sometimes get calls from people who don’t quite understand the sort of hardware support we offer.
What We Did:
On one occasion we had person call and ask for help programming their VCR. We could have said, “you’ve got the wrong number,” and be done with it. But we didn’t.
The Result:
We helped them. Sure, it took a few minutes and they weren’t likely to ever need our services but helping and finding solutions is in our DNA. And being a decent human being—that’s important to us too.
Helping People—Even When There's No Benefit
The Situation:
A Google ad went haywire on us and we ended up getting a ton of calls from people needing help with their personal electronics—not what we do. One particular person couldn’t get their computer to restart and had a Zoom class in a few minutes time and was frantic.
What We did:
We helped every single person that we could. Even though personal electronics and computers are not what we do, we walked people through finding solutions to their issues. We knew these people were never likely to need enterprise hardware support, but they were in a bind and if we could help, we did.
The Result
Of course we fixed our ad, but it was important to us to do what felt like the right thing even if there was no benefit to us. And yes, the student got to his Zoom class in time.
We're Building Relationships, Not Completing Transactions
The Situation:
We had a call come in and after talking to him, we discovered that it wasn’t hardware support that he needed.
What We Did:
But we took the time to chat with him anyway and found that we could provide a part he needed. We shipped out the part to him and he was able to fix his issue.
What Happened:
We are open to making connections with people and helping when we can regardless of whether a contract come out of it or not.
Taking Care Of Our Partners
Expired Contract - Delayed Purchase Order
The Situation:
We were supporting one of our MSP partner’s largest customers, a huge company on Fortune’s Global 500 list. While the MSP was working through financial approvals with its client, the maintenance contract expired. We were getting pressure from the datacenter admins and engineers to continue our work so that any outages wouldn’t affect their client’s production environments. This was a contract with a large volume of service requests, so it wasn’t cheap to support. And at one point, the contract had been expired for 3 months.
What We did:
After a ton of back and forth with the admins, procurement agents, and people at the corporate level, we agreed to continue support in good faith that a renewal would be approved. Honestly, it got a bit hairy when we got into the 2nd and 3rd month of supporting the environment without any guarantees. But we still thought it was worth the risk to help our clients continue to deliver uninterrupted support as they worked through some internal challenges.
End Result
Both our MSP client and their customer ended up really happy, and we were able to build a long-lasting and trusting relationship in the process.
Hardware Refresh Transition
The Situation:
Our partner’s client was in the process of migrating off of some VMAXs and were looking for lower cost, shorter-term alternatives. They were anticipating a 3-month migration period, but Dell EMC only offered them a 1-year option. Dell EMC support costs were really expensive, and they didn’t want to spend that kind of money on hardware they were moving off of in a few months.
What We Did
We were able to offer a 3-month support agreement to satisfy their short-term contract needs. The migration ended up taking almost a year, and we continued to support them and save them about 80% compared to Dell support. And, when the migration was done, we helped them wipe the data off of their drives, physically destroyed the hard drives, and provided some monetary value for the old VMAXs they weren’t using anymore.
End Result
Another happy client that ended up leaning on us for more than just TPM services.
Client Budget Issues
The Situation:
One of our VAR partners came to us with issues they were trying to solve for their client. Their client didn’t have enough budget to cover their annual HPE maintenance renewal, and they were looking for a more flexible support agreement that would allow a 3-6 month term with the ability to cancel. They needed a solution fast because their HPE support contract had already expired.
What We Did
We built out 3 and 6 month support options—both with a 30-day cancellation notice. We were able to get the contract going within 3 days of our initial phone conversation. And they saved their client 40% on support costs.
End Result
We earned their trust—they know we’ll always do our best to help them out.
More Customer Stories
People Remember Good Service
A customer came to M Global looking for a quote on EMC support. She was impressed with our communication, attention to detail, and the way we do things. A little while later she had changed jobs and was working with a new company. She remembered the good experience she had while working at her previous job and so when she was looking for support again, she called M Global.
M Global Becomes a Trusted Hardware Source
A client purchased a 3PAR device on eBay that wouldn’t work because of licensing issues and improper configuration. They reached out and we helped them through the issue. A little while later, they needed some additional 3PAR devices.
They came to us this time around knowing that we have the expertise to supply devices that had been properly configured and tested. We took care of them and helped with the install making sure everything worked the way it should. Now we are their resource for all things 3PAR and beyond.
Partner Appreciates Our Smooth Communication
We were finishing up the contract renewal process with one of our partners and their clients. One of our strengths is our commitment to communication and this client told us how much she appreciated our commitment to communication and follow-through. It made her job easier and the whole process smoother for her client as well. We are real people not robots and the care & thought that goes into every phone call or email is appreciated by our clients.
Our Support Impresses More Than The Checkbook
A potential customer gathering quotes was impressed by the extra effort that M Global puts into the quoting process. Unfortunately, our contact wasn’t the sole decision maker in the company and we lost the deal. But our contact let us know that he could tell based on the time and effort we put into getting an accurate quote that we would be a good company to work with.
We don’t schmooze the checkbook—our service impresses those who have to pick up the pieces when things go sideways.
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