White Label Third Party Support

White Label Third Party Maintenance Support

The term "white label" refers to a product or service made or provided by one company and sold by another under a different brand. It’s incredibly common—grocery store brands are a perfect example of white label products. Most stores do not manufacture their own branded products. Instead, they purchase them from another company and brand them as their own. The same concept applies to white label services—the service is provided by one company and sold and branded by a separate company.

So why is this such an effective solution for so many companies and industries? The simple answer is that it’s beneficial for both companies. It allows both the manufacturer or source company and the partnering business to expand their reach and sell more products or services. The source company can focus on production or service, and the partner company doesn’t need to spend the time and money to develop solutions that already exist.

How does this translate into the hardware support and third party maintenance industry?

It’s very common for companies to partner with one another to ensure their clients’ hardware devices are properly supported. Sometimes companies prefer to go with a white label hardware support solution, and other times, they prefer to call out their partners. In either case, the ultimate goal is to provide the end-user with quality hardware support.

Why some partners use M Global White Label Support

Some of our partners appreciate white label TPM support because it delivers a simple solution for their customers.  Some of our partners are motivated to offer support-related services or already have a branch of their business that offers TPM services. In those cases, they often appreciate the ability to keep their support offerings streamlined while taking advantage of the resources and expertise that M Global can offer.

In addition, some companies feel that by taking advantage of white label support, they can add to their offerings, and it allows them to add a deeper level of value to what they are capable of providing to their clients.

Why some partners prefer to use M Global Branded Support

We’ve also found that some partners prefer to announce that they are using M Global for hardware support. Often companies that focus on other areas in their business and have no interest in offering support services as part of their offerings are perfectly happy to use M Global branded support, and they prefer it. M Global has built a reputation for quality service, so their end-user has no issues with receiving support from us. And finally, some partners may find it important to provide full transparency to their clients to maintain their relationships.

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