Steve Answers Questions About M Global

Co-Founder and CEO, Steve Oono, Answers Questions about M Global Services

What inspired you to start M Global Services?

I had been thinking about extending into the service business because I knew there was an opportunity there. I had been working with other third party maintenance providers as a client purchasing TPM services and the service was not great. They didn’t communicate very well, their pricing strategies were arbitrary — they didn’t make sense and we even had a company try to go after business that we had brought to them.

But when you flip all that negative stuff around and look at it like an opportunity, I could see what the issues were in the industry and that prompted me to look at starting my own services business. At that point, I had enough insight to know what it would take to build it and it made financial sense.

When I saw the gap in the market — the disconnect between what people were saying and what they were actually delivering, I just knew that we could provide that.

And we could feel good about showcasing that this is real — we are bringing transparency and integrity to the table in a completely different way. That’s the challenge that we’ve been working on — how do you prove that it’s real? And the answer we’ve found is time — our customers have told us they can feel the difference in our approach.

Since you've had a chance to work as a client with other TPM providers, what is different about M Global Services?

What we say we are going to do, we do every time. We’re very open about what we can do and what is not included so that we are setting very clear expectations. That doesn’t happen in the market—a lot of things are left ambiguous, but we really dig into all the little details and make sure all the expectations are set right.

Beyond providing what you say you are going to provide — communication is a big deal. So again I knew this was a really big and easy opportunity for M Global to shine — especially with communication. We preach that all the time.

We make sure that we’re respectful, proactive with what the next steps are going to be and detailed on the work that has taken place. There again we are setting expectations of what’s to come. Those 2 pieces — communication and delivering on expectations — are a slam dunk for us.

Learn more by watching Steve answer questions, including a few additional ones. 😃

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